Brighton & Hove City Council
4.30pm16 May 2024
Council Chamber, Brighton Town Hall
Present: Councillors O'Quinn (Chair), Atkinson, Alexander, Allen, Asaduzzaman, Baghoth, Burden, Cattell, Czolak, Daniel, Earthey, Evans, Galvin, Fishleigh, Fowler, Grimshaw, Meadows, McNair, Robins, Sankey, Shanks, C Theobald, West, Wilkinson, Williams, Goddard, Goldsmith, Helliwell, Hewitt, Hill, Hogan, Loughran, Lyons, McGregor, McLeay, Miller, Muten, Nann, Oliveira, Pickett, Pumm, Robinson, Rowkins, Sheard, Simon, Stevens, Taylor, Thomson, Winder, Guilmant, Gauge and Mackey
1 Council Business
1.1 The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and stated that he intended to invite the Group Leader to introduce the newly elected councillors for their Group, who would then come forward so that he could receive them and invite them to take their seat in the Council Chamber.
1.2 Councillors Sankey then announced the new Members for the following wards:
Councillor Sankey introduced:
Councillor Gauge Queens Park
Councillor Mackey Kemptown
1.3 The Mayor welcomed the newly elected Members to the Council and wished them well in their terms of office.
2 Declarations of Interest
2.1 There were no declarations of interests in matters appearing on the agenda.
3 Mayoral Report 2023/24
3.1 The Mayor formally moved that the report on the mayoral year 2023/24 be noted.
That the report be noted.
4 Mayor's Thanks and Presentations
4.1 The Mayor gave thanks and paid tribute to:
· the Civic Office for the support provided over the Mayoral Year.
· Peter Wells Chaplain from the Interfaith Contact Group and extended gratitude to Anthea Ballam.
· Her daughter Rachel in their capacity as Mayoral consort for the Municipal Year.
5 Election of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the Municipal year 2024/25
5.1 The Mayor invited nominations for the position of Mayor of Brighton & Hove for the municipal year 2024/25.
5.2 Councillor Mohammed Asaduzzaman was proposed by Councillor Bella Sankey and seconded by Councillor Czolak.
5.3 Councillor Hill spoke on the matter.
5.4 The Mayor declared that, there being no other nominations, Councillor Mohammed Asaduzzaman had been duly elected Mayor of Brighton & Hove for the forthcoming municipal year 2024/25.
5.5 The motion was agreed.
The Mayor then adjourned the meeting at 5.00pm in order for Councillor Asaduzzaman as the incoming Mayor to be robed and to take the Chair for the meeting.
6 Declaration of Office, Acceptance Speech and Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Mayor
Councillor Asaduzzaman in the Chair
6.1 Councillor Asaduzzaman reconvened the meeting at 5.07pm and then made and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
6.2 The Mayor then thanked the Council for his appointment.
6.3 The Mayor invited Councillor Sankey to move a vote of thanks for the previous Mayor, Councillor Jackie O’Quinn.
6.4 Councillor Sankey moved a vote of thanks to Councillor O’Quinn as the retiring Mayor for her services during her term of office.
6.5 Councillor Grimshaw formally seconded the motion and this was supported by Councillors McNair and Hill.
6.6 The Mayor put the motion to the vote.
6.7 The motion was carried.
6.8 The Mayor presented Councillor O’Quinn with a commemorative badge in recognition of her year of office.
7 Appointment of the Deputy Mayor for Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2024/25
7.1 The Mayor invited nominations for the position of Deputy Mayor for the forthcoming municipal year 2024/25.
7.2 Councillor Grimshaw was proposed by Councillor Hewitt and seconded by Councillor Simon.
7.3 Councillor West spoke on the matter.
7.4 The Mayor put the nominations to the vote and it was carried that Councillor Grimshaw be appointed as Deputy Mayor for Brighton and Hove for the municipal year 2024/25.
7.5 Councillor Grimshaw made and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Deputy Mayor and was presented with their badge of office by the Mayor.
8 Appointment of the Leader of the Council for 2024/25
8.1 The Mayor invited Councillor Alexander to propose the appointment of the Leader of the Council.
8.2 Councillor Alexander proposed that Councillor Sankey should be appointed as the Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2024/25.
8.3 Councillor Loughran formally seconded the proposal.
8.4 Councillor Shanks spoke on the matter.
8.5 The Mayor noted that there were no other nominations and put the motion to the vote which was agreed.
8.6 The Mayor then invited Councillor Sankey to address the council.
8.7 Councillor Sankey thanked Councillors for their nomination.
That Councillor Sankey be appointed as the Leader of the Council.
9 Council Appointments 2024/25
9.1 The Mayor moved that for the municipal year 2024/25 the following appointments be agreed:
(i) Joint Deputy Leaders of the Council, Councillor Gill Williams and Jacob Taylor; and
(ii) Leader of the Official Opposition, Councillor Steve Davis.
9.2 The Mayor also moved that for the municipal year 2024/2025 the following appointments to the positions as agreed by the various Groups represented on the Council be noted:
(i) Leader of the Labour Group -
Councillor Bella Sankey;
(ii) Deputy Leaders of the Labour Group -
Councillors Gill Williams and Jacob Taylor;
(iii) Convenor of the Green Group –
Councillor Steve Davis;
(iv) Deputy Convenors of the Green Group –
Councillors Chloe Goldmsith and Raphael Hill
(v) Leader of the Conservative Group -
Councillor Alistair McNair;
(vi) Deputy Leaders of the Conservative Group –
Councillors Anne Meadows and Carol Theobald
vii) Leader of the Brighton & Hove Independent Group –
Councillor Bridget Fishleigh
9.3 The motion was carried.
That the following appointments to the positions as agreed by the various Groups represented on the Council be noted:
(ii) Leader of the Labour Group -
Councillor Bella Sankey;
(vii) Deputy Leaders of the Labour Group -
Councillors Gill Williams and Jacob Taylor;
(viii) Convenor of the Green Group –
Councillor Steve Davis;
(ix) Deputy Convenors of the Green Group –
Councillors Chloe Goldmsith and Raphael Hill
(x) Leader of the Conservative Group -
Councillor Alistair McNair;
(xi) Deputy Leaders of the Conservative Group –
Councillors Anne Meadows and Carol Theobald
vii) Leader of the Brighton & Hove Independent Group –
Councillor Bridget Fishleigh
10 New Constitution
10.1 Councillor Sankey introduced the report Adoption of a New Constitution.
10.2 Councillor West, Taylor, Meadows, Earthey, Atkinson, Shanks, Robins, McNair and Hill spoke on the matter.
10.3 Councillor Sankey responded and closed the debate.
10.4 This item was put the vote.
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Alexander |
x |
28 |
Mackey |
X |
2 |
Allen |
X |
29 |
McGregor |
X |
3 |
Asaduzzaman |
X |
30 |
McLeay |
X |
4 |
Atkinson |
X |
31 |
McNair |
X |
5 |
Bagaeen |
Absent |
32 |
Meadows |
X |
6 |
Baghoth |
X |
33 |
Miller |
X |
7 |
Burden |
X |
34 |
Muten |
X |
8 |
Cattell |
X |
35 |
Nann |
X |
9 |
Czolak |
X |
36 |
O’Quinn |
Absent |
10 |
Daniel |
X |
37 |
De Oliveira |
X |
11 |
Davis |
Absent |
38 |
Pickett |
X |
12 |
Earthey |
X |
39 |
Pumm |
X |
13 |
Evans |
X |
40 |
Robins |
X |
14 |
Fishleigh |
X |
41 |
Robinson |
X |
15 |
Fowler |
X |
42 |
Rowkins |
X |
16 |
Galvin |
X |
43 |
Sankey |
X |
17 |
Gauge |
X |
44 |
Shanks |
X |
18 |
Goddard |
X |
45 |
Sheard |
X |
19 |
Goldsmith |
X |
46 |
Simon |
X |
20 |
Grimshaw |
X |
47 |
Stevens |
X |
21 |
Guilmant |
X |
48 |
Taylor |
X |
22 |
Helliwell |
X |
49 |
Theobald |
X |
23 |
Hewitt |
X |
50 |
Thomson |
X |
24 |
Hill |
X |
51 |
West |
X |
25 |
Hogan |
X |
52 |
Wilkinson |
X |
26 |
Loughran |
X |
53 |
Williams |
X |
27 |
Lyons |
X |
54 |
Winder |
X |
Total |
40 |
11 |
0 |
The mayor confirmed that the recommendations had been carried by 40 votes to 11 with 0 abstentions.
(1) Approved the new Constitution for Brighton & Hove City Council with effect from 16 May 2024 as set out at Appendix 1;
(2) Approved the meetings timetable set out at Appendix 2;
(3) Notes that, following the outcome of consultation regarding public engagement, further work will now commence to develop additional public engagement opportunities;
(4) Authorised the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Monitoring Officer, to take all steps necessary or incidental to the implementation of the new Constitution;
(5) Authorised the Monitoring Officer to make minor alterations to correct any typographical, formatting or other presentational errors, including any changes considered necessary to ensure consistency between the new Constitution documents and to take all steps necessary to comply with the requirements for publicity and inspection of the Constitution.
11 Appointment of Cabinet Members
11.1 The Leader of the Council, Councillor Sankey informed the Council of the appointment of the Cabinet for 2023/24.
That Council notes the appointment of Cabinet Members and Cabinet Advisors by the Leader as set out in Appendix A.
Cabinet and their portfolios:
Councillor Bella Sankey - Leader of the Council and Cabinet Chair
Councillor Jacob Taylor - Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member, Finance and City Regeneration
Councillor Gill Williams - Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member, Housing and New Homes
Councillor Emma Daniel - Children, Families, Youth Services and for Ending Violence against Women and Girls
Councillor Tristram Burden - Adult Social Care, Public Health and Service Transformation
Councillor Tim Rowkins – Net Zero and Environmental Services
Councillor Trevor Muten – Transport, Parking and Public Realm
Councillor Leslie Pumm – Communities, Equalities and Human Rights
Councillor Birgit Miller – Culture, Heritage and Tourism
Councillor Alan Robins – Sports and Recreation
Cabinet Advisors for 2024 to 25:
Councillor Ty Goddard – Regional Partnerships and Economic Growth
Councillor Mitchie Alexander – Community Engagement, Food Insecurity and Allotments Councillor Paul Nann – Homeless Hub
Councillor Joy Robinson – Contract Management and Procurement
12 Review of Political Balance and Appointment of Committees, Outside Bodies and Partnerships 2024/25
12.1 The Mayor moved the recommendations as listed in the report of the Chief Executive which had been circulated as part of the addendum papers.
12.2 Councillor Hill and Nann spoke on the matter.
12.3 The Mayor put the recommendations in the report to the vote and it was carried.
(1) That the Council appoints its committees with the sizes and allocation of seats between political groups as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;
(2) That having received nominations to the committees from the 4 political groups, as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report, such nominations be agreed, and the committee places filled accordingly;
(3) That those Members listed as Chair, Deputy Chair and Opposition Spokesperson of the respective committees and sub- committees in Appendix 2 be appointed to those positions;
(4) That an Urgency Sub-Committee for each Committee be appointed, by that Committee, in accordance with Procedure Rule 5 of the Committee Procedure Rules, such Urgency Sub-Committees being politically balanced but not to be included in the total number of seats for the purpose of allocating seats;
(5) That having regard to (1) above, it is agreed that for the purpose of enabling meetings of the Personnel Appeals Panel Sub-Committee (until the Panel ceases) and Licensing Panels to be convened without disproportionate difficulty, the make-up of such panels need not be politically proportionate, and the Council further agrees:
(i) Although the Panels have the Members referred to in Appendix 2 as their standing Members, the Council agrees that, where any of the 3 Members are not available,
a. any Member of the Council or any Member of the Licensing Committee who has received the appropriate training shall be eligible to sit on the Personnel Appeals Panel or Licensing Panel respectively.
(ii) That the Head of Democratic Services be authorised to set up the Panel(s), as and when needed with the permanent Members or, where any of them is not available, by including any other eligible Member of the Council or Committee as appropriate, having regard to the need, where possible, to secure cross party representation;
(iii) The above arrangements are intended to operate as "alternative arrangements" pursuant to section 17 of the Local Government & Housing Act 1989 and Regulation 20 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990.
(6) That Council appoints Members/representatives to various bodies as listed in Appendix 3 to the report;
(7) That the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer be authorised to take all steps necessary or incidental to the implementation of the recommendations in this report and that the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend and republish the Council’s constitutional documents to incorporate the changes.
13 Review of the Member Allowances Scheme 2024-2028
13.1 Councillor Cattell introduced the report on the review of member allowances scheme 2024-28.
13.2 Councillor Earthey formally moved the Brighton & Hove Independent Group’s amendment which was seconded by Councillor Fishleigh.
13.3 Councillor Shanks, Guilmant, Lyons, Atkinson, Meadows, Theobald and Taylor spoke on the matter.
13.4 Councillor Cattell responded and closed the debate.
13.5 The mayor then put the Brighton & Hove Independent Member amendment to the vote which was lost.
13.6 The Mayor put the recommendations in the report to the vote and it was carried.
(1) That Council is recommended to adopt a new Members Allowances Scheme for the payment of allowances with effect from the Annual Council Meeting on 16 May 2024 in accordance with the IRP recommendations as set out at Appendix 1;
(2) That the Chief Executive is authorised to issue the Brighton & Hove Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2024-28 in accordance with the IRP recommendations at Appendix 1 following Council approval;
(3) That the Monitoring Officer is authorised to amend the Constitution to reflect the new Members Allowances Scheme accordingly;
(4) That where there are any changes to any role listed as attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance under the Scheme, and the revised role is substantially the same as the previous role in terms of the nature or level of responsibility, the Special Responsibility Allowance shall continue to apply to the new role. This is subject to the Independent Remuneration Panel being consulted and agreeing that it is substantially the same role.
(5) That full Council note that an early review of the new Scheme will be undertaken and a report brought back to full Council in the first quarter of 2025.
14 Diverse Councils Action Plan and Policy on Parental & Other Leave for Members
14.1 Councillor Daniel introduced the report on Diverse Councils Action Plan and Policy on Parental Leave & Other Leave for Members.
14.2 Councillor Hill, Pumm, Fishleigh, Meadows, Pickett and Hogan spoke on the matter.
14.3 Councillor Daniel responded and closed the debate.
14.5 The Mayor put the recommendations in the report to the vote and it was carried.
(1) Notes the Diverse Councils Declaration previously committed to by the Council and attached at Appendix 1;
(2) Notes the list of actions attached as Appendix 2, to progress the ambitions of the Declaration referred to above;
(3) Approves the updated Parental, Carers & Special Leave Policy attached as Appendix 3 with immediate effect, giving the Monitoring Officer delegated authority to make the specific additional change detailed in paragraph 5.4 below (as well as any changes they deem necessary or incidental) provided that the Independent Renumeration Panel indicates that it has no objection to the proposal described in that paragraph.
15 Close of Meeting
The meeting concluded at 7.34PM
Chair |
Dated this |
day of
2024 |